Our interviews


Courage to create: Gloria Fuentes on making the leap to medical illustration

After 20 years as a researcher, one PhD took a different path.

Between science and art: conversations with a scientific illustrator

Daria Chrobok found her passion at the convergence of science and art.


Tools of his trade: Daniel Metcalf’s journey into microscopy

Making the move from peering through a microscope to selling them.

Building a nexus between machine learning and super-resolution microscopy

A biophysicist with coding expertise has built an image-analysis arsenal.


A recruiter’s tips to nailing your CV

Tony Cabrejos knows what industry wants from researchers in the life sciences.

So you want to become a project manager…

The do's and don'ts of the most sought-after job for academics who step off the bench.


A biomedical academician’s tryst with startup life

The ups and downs of a biologist who flirted with entrepreneurship.

Scout, evaluate, and invest: Dialogues with a VC associate

Once bound for academia, Barbara Poinard ran into the term "venture capital."


Medical Science Liaison: Working at the intersection of science and medicine

An MSL describes the challenges of bringing researchers, clinicians, and drug companies together to fight cancer.

From the bench to consultant to product manager

Stepping off the bench can lead to a variety of challenging roles in industry.


BCS: Linking scientists with Singapore’s biotech ecosystem

Volunteers at Biotech Connection Singapore (BCS) have found the sweet spot between the research world and the biotech scene.

Science careers chat room

Words of wisdom from several researchers who made the leap from the bench to industry.